06 January 2008

First Post: What Am I Doing?

So this is my first blog, first post, and first time using the internet (just kidding). I'm not entirely sure where this blog is going to be headed to but I'd love anyone and everyone to leave their comments and help me out. I'll just start off with a bit about me.

I'm a CS student at Carnegie Mellon University. I've come to realize that not everyone is meant to be a CS major. Sure you thought you knew stuff in high school. Then you get to college and you find out there's people operating on a different dimension of intelligence. So as far as my major, I didn't really know anything. Java was nice for a while, then they tell you that you need to know shell scripting, AWK, Perl, and C. The problem with this was, half the class already knew the stuff and I was one of the few that didn't.

I'm kinda a person that's in between everything but not great at anything. I'm good at math, but just not good enough to be a mathematics major. I'm good with computers, but maybe not enough to be a CS major. Basically I have no clue what the hell to do.

Well, that just meant I had a lot of learning to do. Basically, now I'm just on a rampage to learn as much as possible about everything computer-related. Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with my classes, but it's always nice to know random crap. That's where my blog begins. This I guess will be about all that "random crap" I find out and maybe even do stuff with.

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